Who am I? Me. And the Others


A surprising selfie of GENERATION Z, today’s teenagers, without filters and without retouching.

Through 12 central themes, the book explores both personal and collective identity, asking questions about who we are and who others are. With a total of 100 questions, it reflects on the individual and the group, inviting each person to discover their own characteristics, nuances, and contradictions.

The book gathers ideas, opinions, and viewpoints on topics such as love, passions, future, happiness, body, friendship, anger, and fear, and everything that involves and enriches the lives of each young person.

It thus becomes an opportunity to explore the search for the self and the vision of an entire generation, without masks or prejudice, but with the awareness that every experience, every common point, and every difference tells unique stories. A reflection on the future, our place in the world, and the meaning of being young today.

Publisher: DeA Planeta
Target: 12+
Year: 2021
Daniele Grassucci

Daniele Grassucci is considered one of the Italian leading experts on the world of education. He is the director of Skuola.net, which he founded in 2000 with Matteo Sbardella, when they were both still in high school. He collaborated with Book on a Tree for the publication, alongside Federico Taddia, of Chi sono? Io. Le altre. E gli altri (DeAgostini, 2021).

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Federico Taddia

A writer, presenter, TV author and populariser, Federico Taddia collaborates with Topolino, Rai, Radio24 and La Stampa. One of his passions has always been to use the right words to tell the youngest everything that scientists study, look for and discover. He has written books with Margherita Hack, Telmo Pievano, Elisa Palazzi and Antonella Viola. With Teste Toste he won the Andersen Prize for the best science series for girls and boys and with Virus Game he won the Piccolo Galileo prize.

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