The true story of black Italy
Why do we see so few black people in roles of public importance in Italy? In politics, television broadcasts, journalism and teaching. Yet, people of African descent have shaped Italian history. This is precisely where we start from – from this void.
“Black people have rhythm in their blood”, “black people are slackers”. At school, as in everyday life, newspapers, books and songs, black people are still described using generalisations based on hearsay and often racist considerations. The truth is that numerous Afro-descendant men and women have contributed to Italy’s growth since ancient times. From the Roman-Libyan emperor Caracalla to the Roman-Algerian philosopher Augustine of Hippo and the Italian-Ethiopian former slave Benedict the Moor, patron saint of Palermo; not to mention the heroes who gave their lives for the unification of Italy, such as the Italian-Somali partisan Giorgio Marincola, or the many determined and intelligent women, like Elvira Banotti, a courageous and controversial Italian- Eritrean journalist.