The Phenomenal P.T. Heliodore


Welcome to the world’s greatest show, the totally tremendous theatre of wonders!

The first time P.T. Heliodore ever heard an animal speak, he was ten years old. P.T. had an imagination as big as Connecticut. So, just as he knew animals could speak, he also knew his father was a king and that Alice had green hair, but not just any old green – as green as the tips of spring buds. And she could fly. Yes, Alice knew how to fly. She was the feather girl.

  • A magical mix of poetic, surreal and dreamlike elements.

  • The combination of imagination and the paradoxical produces a compelling read that will be irresistible to everyone who loved Roald Dahl and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

  • An effortlessly direct writing style.

Publisher: Piemme
Target: 10+
Year: 2019
Guido Sgardoli

Born in San Donà di Piave (VE), a graduate in Veterinary Medicine, and a full-time writer. He collaborated for several years with newspapers, magazines, and websites dedicated to road trips, focusing on the history and traditions of the United States. He has had a long-standing interest in Ufology, Paranormal Phenomena, Astronomy, Archaeoastronomy, and the History of the United States and Native Americans.

In addition to his love of animals, he has always cherished books since childhood. Like many people, one day he decided to write his own story. Since then, he has never stopped, and in 2004, he published his first book, followed by many others: adventurous, entertaining stories filled with various "animality" that are beloved and widely read by children and young readers.

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