The Night of the Whale

Picture book

Once a year, on a midsummer night, the whale arrived…

Dad, mum, the cat and I quickly climbed up onto the roof. We each waited in our places in silence. We smelt a scent of algae and salt. And it arrived… It eclipsed the moon… and showed us its belly… It approached my father… touched his forehead. It stayed with him a while, then left.

  • The wonder of life and its fluctuations shown in a sequence of highly emotional images.
  • A moving metaphor about love, family, and how time changes things.
Publisher: Rizzoli
Target: 0 - 5
Year: 2019
Peppo Bianchessi

As an author and illustrator, Peppo Bianchessi has collaborated with some of the most important Italian and international children’s authors: Roberto Piumini, Aidan Chambers, Melvin Burgess, Anna Vivarelli, Ugo Vlcic, Guido Quarzo, Tsuji Hitonari, Kaori Ekuni, P.D.Baccalario, Luca Crovi and others. He has published in Italy and abroad. As a video artist, he has created various installations and video clips (including “Chinatown” by Caparezza). He has received several awards and exhibited his works in Italy and around the world.

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