The Children of the Forest


The adventures of two wolves experiencing freedom for the first time.

Elisa and her friends have no intention of giving up their fight to return their children – two wolf cubs found and raised in captivity – to the woods. They have taught them the law of the pack, and want to give them a chance to run free.

  • A compelling true story.
  • The wonder of nature described in all its harshness, and the love and fear that has bound humans and wolves for millennia.
Publisher: Garzanti
Target: 10+
Year: 2018
Giuseppe Festa

Giuseppe Festa has a degree in Natural Sciences and works in environmental education. He has published several novels, including La luna è dei lupi (Salani), Cento passi per volare (Salani), I figli del bosco (Garzanti), and Una trappola d’aria (Longanesi). He won the Premio Rodari in 2021, the Premio Bancarellino in 2022, and the prestigious Premio Kadaitosho in Japan.

He is the founder and lead singer of Lingalad, with whom he performs concerts in Italy and abroad. As the protagonist and screenwriter of the award-winning documentary Oltre la Frontiera, he has also authored nature documentaries broadcast by Rai. Additionally, he has written articles and stories for National Geographic, Corriere della Sera, and La Repubblica.

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