The Big Book of Magical Objects


Be amazed by the extraordinary collection of over two hundred magical items collected through the centuries.

Sixteen rooms for a treasure trove of knowledge and magic waiting to be discovered.
A weird wizard has collected the most famous magical things of all time in his mind-boggling mansion. Every room bristles with knowledge and magic: the flying carpet from Arabian Nights; the Narnia wardrobe; the Celtic sword of Durendal the Mighty; the Hogwarts sorting hat; Snow White’s poisoned apple; Gilgamesh’s flower of immortality; Mary Poppins’ umbrella; and Pullman’s Golden Compass.

  • A compendium of magical artefacts taken from literature, fables, myth and folklore from every culture.

  • A guide to an enchanted palace, where, room by room, the reader will discover the wizard’s extended collection of memorabilia.

  • Each illustrated object comes with a description of its specific supernatural qualities, plus a short (and funny) description of its history and origin.

Publisher: Il Castoro
Target: 8-10
Year: 2016
Pierdomenico Baccalario

Pierdomenico Baccalario has been writing children’s novels since 1997, when he won the Il Battello a Vapore literary prize with La strada del Guerriero (The Way of the Warrior) using his neighbour’s name. Since then, his bestsellers have been written under as many pseudonyms (the best known being Ulysses Moore and Irene Adler), translated into more than thirty languages and published with major Italian and foreign publishers. He has collaborated with Lucca Comics & Games for more than twenty years, has written for Repubblica, and is a columnist for the newspaper Corriere della Sera’s La Lettura literary supplement. In 2014, he founded the Book on a Tree creative agency in London.


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Jacopo Olivieri

Jacopo Olivieri was born in Verona in 1966. He spent his childhood between the countryside just outside the city and Ivory Coast, thanks to his father’s work (who was an architect and set designer). Since he was a child, he had a passion for reading and drawing, and he nurtured interests that are still reflected in his books: the imaginary in general, ancient legends, prehistoric animals, museums, monster stories, and exploring abandoned and mysterious places.

After finishing classical high school and a brief attempt at Natural Sciences at the University of Bologna, he pursued his first career as a comic book author. At the same time, he spent decades working in theater (set design, costumes) both in his home country and abroad and experimenting as an illustrator wherever he could (carton packaging, Swatch shops, educational publishing, records, toys…).

His life took a turn when he had the adventure of meeting Pierdomenico Baccalario, who proposed that he write books for children and young readers. Since then, he has published with Italy's major publishing houses, as well as a few abroad.

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