Geppe the Brigand


A young farmer turned brigand

The story of Geppe, a young Langhe farmer in the mid-nineteenth century who finds himself, almost by chance, part of a band of brigands. Among the criminals he will meet Susanna, a proud and determined girl, together with whom he’ll begin an adventurous path of growth and emancipation.

  • A wide-ranging historical and educational novel, touching universal themes such as friendship, love, the search for ethical boundaries and values to believe in.
  • A journey full of adventure, discovery, love, growth, and betrayal.
Publisher: Edizioni EL
Target: 12+
Year: 2020
Stefano Garzaro

Stefano Garzaro has spent forty-odd years among scholastic publishing houses, publishing historical investigations in his spare time. He likes rummaging through marginal cultures, walking in the suburbs, listening on the street to stories born from other people’s dreams. Every once in a while, he drops his hood and robs memory banks. He’s not a collector, but if he really had to, he’d collect topographic maps. Is this a flat biography? He prefers to have his real adventures in the stories he writes.

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