For Freedom


What was the Resistance?

Who were the partisans? What events led Italy to take part in World War II? These are just some of the questions the author answers—while also exploring a perspective that is often overlooked: that of the young people who lived through the war. What was their daily life like? What challenges did they face? What did it mean to be a Jewish child after the racial laws were enacted? What role did boys and girls play in the fight for freedom? Through a powerful blend of historical accounts, in-depth analyses, and true stories of the young protagonists of the Resistance, this book takes readers on a journey to discover the roots of our freedom.

Publisher: Piemme
Target: 8-10
Year: 2024
Stefano Garzaro

Stefano Garzaro has spent forty-odd years among scholastic publishing houses, publishing historical investigations in his spare time. He likes rummaging through marginal cultures, walking in the suburbs, listening on the street to stories born from other people’s dreams. Every once in a while, he drops his hood and robs memory banks. He’s not a collector, but if he really had to, he’d collect topographic maps. Is this a flat biography? He prefers to have his real adventures in the stories he writes.

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