
Picture book

Left Foot decides to leave Right Foot and embarks on a solitary journey in search of his identity.

Left Foot is adventurous and frustrated by Right Foot’s slowness. One day, while waiting again for Right Foot to finish having its shoe tied, Left Foot has enough. It leaps away from its body and goes out to see the world. Will it discover what it’s been looking for?

  • A surreal and highly symbolic illustrated story that explores a number of themes, including tolerance, freedom, diversity and adventure.
  • A tale that shows the importance of finding your own way.
Publisher: Uovonero (Italy)
Target: 0 - 5
Year: 2017
Mirco Zilio

Mirco Zilio, born in 1966, is a writer and comic book scriptwriter with a deep and passionate dedication to literature. His career began in the early 1990s, when he started collaborating with Sergio Bonelli Editore. Over time, he has explored various creative fields, standing out particularly in the humor genre.

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