Born in Via delle Cento Stelle
Cats, bicycles and cursing: the whole galaxy of Margherita Hack.
Born in Via delle Cento Stelle (The Street of 100 Stars) in Florence on the 12th of June 1922, Margherita Hack could do nothing else but become a world-renowned astrophysicist. Yet she never believed in fate: she believed instead in merit, in the possibility of realising your own dreams. She who had so many dreams: from athletics, in which she hoped to win a medal at the Olympics, to cycling, with which it was love at first sight, to the stars, which she discovered at school slightly by chance and which illuminated her way right up to leading the astronomical observatory in Trieste, the first female director in Italy. Margherita didn’t hide, she expressed her opinions, fought for a better society, defended the rights of the weakest. Living an extraordinarily simple life herself, she stood for truth and irony, always living with an eye to the future.
The volume is richly illustrated by Marianna Balducci.
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