

Useful reflections for a conscious web.

  • A manual to stimulate curiosity towards a conscious use of the web, written by five content creators who disseminate subjects such as art, psychology, linguistics, philosophy and digital communication on social media.
  • Five different points of view for a useful and light multidisciplinary text, a real handbook for those who want to get to know the world in which we are all connected.

The only group of unconventional Influencers that deal with various topics on social media in a multidisciplinary way.
A project born in 2021 from an idea by Andrea Nuzzo and Michele Casula with the aim of bringing a useful message to society on the conscious use of digital tools.
A practical demonstration of the possibility of influencing responsibly without being pedantic or boring.
The goal of the Unfluencers is to become a bridge between multiple generations: to transmit values to the young and help adults find themselves in the new world of communication.

Publisher: Mondadori Electa
Target: Young adult
Year: 2023

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