The Man Who Sold Time

Picture book

There’s no more time! Now what’s he going to do?

In Vettore’s shop, everyone can find what they want: half an hour more to play with their friends; another five minutes under the covers; a day to dedicate to a new invention. Vettore works from morning to evening, and gives the time he has left over to those who can’t buy it.Until one day, just when he needs it most, he discovers he’s run out of stock. There’s no more time! Now what’s he going to do? Someone knocks on the door with the answer…

From the pen of Luca Cognolato, with the illustrations of Marco Paschetta, a story that helps children understand the value of time as a common good: to be preserved, cherished and even given as a gift, sharing it with those who need it.

Publisher: Terre di Mezzo
Target: 5-7
Year: 2024
Luca Cognolato

Luca Cognolato studied at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice and teaches Italian and History in the province of Venice. He is the author of children's and young adult books, including the Basket League series (Einaudi Ragazzi). Together with Silvia del Francia, he wrote La musica del silenzio (Feltrinelli, 2020) and, alongside the eponymous collective, Arambì (Feltrinelli, 2019).

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