Monsieur Claquette’s Sunday

Picture book

Who says little people can’t do big people stuff?

Tomorrow is an important day for Monsieur Claquette: it’s Sunday. Like every Sunday, he will go to his dance lesson. And, like every Sunday, he will be very agitated. Like every Sunday, he will put a lot of effort into calculating every possible unexpected event: he wants to arrive at a very precise time. Not a minute before, not a minute after. Why? Because at that exact time, his beloved Madame Pochette will also arrive at the dance school!

  • The hectic pace of everyday life in a picture book.
  • A funny and tender love story.
  • An action book where the only danger is that of arriving too late for a romantic date.
Publisher: Rizzoli
Target: 8-10
Year: 2020
Angelo Mozzillo

Angelo Mozzillo writes stories for children and young readers. Among his novels is the humorous detective series Detective Linus (Il Battello a Vapore/Piemme). His recent picture books include La famosa esplosione alla fabbrica della nebbia (Clichy), Non mi aspettavo (Terre di mezzo), and Io sono foglia (Bacchilega Junior), the latter winning both the Premio Andersen and the Superpremio Andersen in 2021.

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Davide Panizza

Davide Panizza studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino and at MiMaster in Milan, where he discovered the world of children's illustration. He currently lives and works in Bologna, illustrating adventures and creating board games for children. His recent publications include the three books in the Detective Linus series by Angelo Mozzillo (Battello a Vapore), the picture book Animalicomio by Pino Pace (Gruppo Abele Editore), and the first two early readers in the Capitan Bitorzolo series by Andrea Visibelli (Editrice Il Castoro).

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