Blue and the Fisherman who Hunted Her

Picture book

A lonely whale whose song no one understands.An elderly fisherman who dreams of going back to capturing the giants of the sea.A friendship that suddenly blossoms despite their differences.Because even two distant oceans, looking at each other, can join hands.

The voice of Blue, a solitary whale, is different from that of the other whales. She tried and tried to make herself understood, but to no avail. She is left alone in the blue from which she got her name. However, Blue’s meeting with an old fisherman, left on land, but still eager to throw his harpoon, will overturn the perspectives and lives of the two protagonists.

  • A poetic story about loneliness.
  • A journey of discovery of the kind of friendship that arrives suddenly, out of the blue.
  • A book about the need to spend time together, about relationships that save us.
Publisher: Lavieri
Target: 5-7
Year: 2023
Daniele Nicastro

Daniele Nicastro was born in 1978. He currently lives in a small village in the province of Cuneo, where he writes everything: novels, postcards, messages in bottles and phrases on the walls. He began telling stories as a boy, to his mother, whenever he came home late without warning her. Over time he made a profession out of it. He made his debut with the novel Grande, which won the Legenda Junior Prize and was shortlisted for the Bancarellino Prize 2018. He has consolidated experience in several genres, from adventure novels to funny stories, but always focused on themes related to growing up.

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Erika De Pieri

Erika De Pieri, born in Motta di Livenza, is an illustrator and author who, after attending the art high school in Treviso and the School of Comics in Milan, began her career as a cartoonist for Becco Giallo. She then worked as an illustrator for major publishing houses such as Lavieri, Mondadori, Dami, Nuinui, and Gribaudo, also creating characters for the series Dinamici (DeAgostini), Melowy (Fabbri), and Billo e Billa (Fabbri), translated into several languages. She collaborated with Lavieri as art director from 2020 to 2022 and has published numerous children's books, including La bambina Cioccolato (2009), Il principe azzurro ma proprio azzurro (2011), and Il gigante e il cavaliere (2022). For over twenty years, Erika has worked with schools and held illustration courses for children.

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