What a trick!


A small manual full of advice on how to start skateboarding and a place to discover everything there is to know about skateboard culture.

To become a skateboarder you need courage and imagination, legs and balance. And, maybe, you also need a little patience. Skateboarding, in exchange, offers freedom and fun and a new way of being in the world. Because slateboarding resembles a sport, but it’s much more: it’s a community, a philosophy of life, an excuse to spend time together. Ivan Federico, the first and only Italian to win the gold medal at the X Games, accompanies us on a journey of discovery of the stories and myths of the famous board. The story starts in California on a waveless day and finishes in Tokyo 2021, the first year skateboarding entered the Olympic disciplines. In between, Ivan’s journey and his history as a pro skater: his first steps and the meetings with the champions who changed his life, the competitions he won and those he lost. But this book is also a manual of skateboarding advice and knowledge about skateboarding culture, from music to clothing, the magazines to read and the films to watch.

Skateboarding is a way of rethinking the idea we have of sport. A sport that isn’t based on competition, but on spending time together and building alternative lifestyles.

Publisher: Mondadori Electa
Target: 10+
Year: 2023
Ivan Federico

Ivan Federico first stepped on a skateboard at the age of three, and since then, he has never stopped. Born in 1999, he won his first Italian championship at the age of eight, and shortly after, he began traveling the world with his board under his arm. Recognized as one of the most talented skaters of his generation, he has climbed the podiums of the most prestigious international skateboarding contests thanks to his unique style. In 2019, he became the first and only Italian to win the gold medal at the X Games, a milestone that elevated him to a global skateboarding icon. In 2021, he had the honor of representing Italy at the Tokyo Olympics, proudly wearing the national team jersey.

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