D.S. Gusting
D.S. Gusting, born in Sussex, spent his youth at Oxford, telling his family that he had been accepted to the prestigious Merton College, but actually working in a sandwich stand. After his brilliant years of training, Gusting became a great cheese expert and dedicated his life to searching for Le Grand Putride, the smelliest cheese in the world. After finding it, he tasted it and lost consciousness, remaining unconscious for several days. Upon waking, he no longer remembered anything about his past and decided to start a new life dedicated to writing for children.
Some claim that behind this name lie three mysterious Italian authors who, now in their maturity, give vent to the worst memories of their school experience and the most absurd ideas they can no longer afford to turn into reality… D.S. Gusting has stated that these are horrendous slanders and is ready to take anyone who dares to claim he doesn’t exist to court!
D.S. Gusting's works