The Forest is Beautiful But… I Wouldn’t Live There!


The formidable feat of two unlikely hikers.

Angelo Mozzillo and Davide Panizza, respectively an author and illustrator of children’s books, aren’t exactly athletic types. The furthest they ever go on foot, usually, is the route from home to the ice cream shop (and even that’s, only if there’s a public transport strike).But, thanks to a cruel twist of fate (and an even crueller colleague, the writer Davide Morosinotto), the two find themselves walking the Via degli Dei (Path of the Gods) – the walking route that leads from the centre of Bologna to the centre of Florence through the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines – in six days. The pair have no training. No equipment. No hope. Will they make it?

  • A true story that will make you laugh.
  • An adventure novel that is also an autobiographical travel diary.
Publisher: Piemme
Target: 8-10
Year: 2024
Angelo Mozzillo

Angelo Mozzillo writes stories for children and young readers. Among his novels is the humorous detective series Detective Linus (Il Battello a Vapore/Piemme). His recent picture books include La famosa esplosione alla fabbrica della nebbia (Clichy), Non mi aspettavo (Terre di mezzo), and Io sono foglia (Bacchilega Junior), the latter winning both the Premio Andersen and the Superpremio Andersen in 2021.

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Davide Panizza

Davide Panizza studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino and at MiMaster in Milan, where he discovered the world of children's illustration. He currently lives and works in Bologna, illustrating adventures and creating board games for children. His recent publications include the three books in the Detective Linus series by Angelo Mozzillo (Battello a Vapore), the picture book Animalicomio by Pino Pace (Gruppo Abele Editore), and the first two early readers in the Capitan Bitorzolo series by Andrea Visibelli (Editrice Il Castoro).

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