The Reincarnation of the Klun Sisters


The dark side of an Italian family in a breathtaking thriller suspended between horror and esotericism.

Italy, 1950s. When the two little Klun sisters die in a hit-and-run, their father doesn’t give up and believes that their destiny is to come back to life, being reincarnated in the twins his wife gives birth to. From birth, one of the two little ones shows disturbing supernatural signs.
Present day: a police officer without talent and intuition investigates the death of the two husbands of Rina Monforte, a follower of a millennial sect called the Association and the lover of its charismatic spokesperson: the writer Attila Mesmeri Tribolati.
1970s: an orphan is adopted and raised in secret by a Jesuit in a monastery lost in the woods, learning the ancient art of invisibility.
Stories and characters distant in time and space that are apparently unrelated and are instead united by an intricate design of Light and Darkness that will lead to unexpected and terrifying discoveries.

  • Kabbalah, witchcraft, ancient (like the Rosicrucian Order) and modern sects, apocryphal gospels, alchemy: the esoteric paraphernalia that has always fascinated a large proportion of readers.
  • An Italian setting, rendered with an international appeal.
  • Loosely inspired by a real case of reincarnation that has never been explained and a terrifying news story that took place in America.
  • A fusion of genres assembled as in a TV series rich in plot twists, pace and cliffhangers.
Publisher: Mondadori
Target: Adults
Year: 2022
Manlio Castagna

A screenwriter, director, writer and film critic, Manlio Castagna has also been involved in the artistic direction of the Giffoni Film Festival for more than 20 years. He made his debut in children’s fiction in 2018 with the bestselling Petrademone trilogy (Mondadori), which has been translated into several languages. Since then, he has explored many different genres: from historical fantasy with La notte delle malombre (The Night of the Malombre) and Draconis Chronicon, to horror with Goodwill and Le Belve (The Beasts), passing through the “story” of cinema with the manual 116 film da vedere prima dei 16 anni (116 Films To See Before You’re 16) and the novel Dedalo & Dharma, up to social noir with Barriera (all for the Mondadori group). La reincarnazione delle sorelle Klun (The Reincarnation of the Klun Sisters) and Prova a non dormire (Try Not to Sleep) are his adult fiction books. In 2022, he made his film debut as a director and screenwriter with “Il viaggio degli eroi”, produced by Rai Cinema and rewarded with record audience numbers on Rai1.

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