The Fear of the Lion


No one is free from fear, not even the ferocious mountain lion!

In fairy tales, everyone cheers for the three little pigs… But in reality, every ecosystem also needs its “big bad” wolf to survive. Predators are fundamental for the natural world where everything pivots between those that run to feed themselves and those that run away to save their own lives. Fear connects all creatures, transforms territories, forces living beings to change and adapt. In this book, each chapter starts with an animal and explains a different aspect of the “phenomenon of fear” and how, on the whole, it transforms the lives of all animals. Because no one is free from fear. Not even the ferocious and majestic mountain lion.

  • Real adventures experienced first-hand by the author are mixed in with the most up-to-date scientific research.
  • A book on predators written by a biologist who has been studying predators for years and her brother, an internationally award-winning author.
  • Deals with ecosystems and interactions between animals but also with climate change, pollution and invasive species.
  • Biology has never been so fun!
Publisher: Rizzoli
Target: 10+
Year: 2022
Davide Morosinotto

An author whose books have been translated into 25 languages, in Italy Davide Morosinotto won the Super Andersen Prize in 2017 with Il Rinomato Catalogo Walker&Dawn (The Pocket Watch Gang), Mondadori, and the Strega Children’s Prize 2021 with La Più Grande (The Greatest), Rizzoli, with which he also entered the IBBY Honour List 2021. A finalist at the prestigious Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis and winner of the Penzberger Urmel in Germany, he has also won the Prix des Bouquineurs en Seine and the Grand Prix des Lecteurs du Journal de Mickey in France, the Vlag en Wimpel and the Zilveren Griffel in Holland, the KJV in Flanders, the Protagonista Jove prize in Catalonia and he was nominated for the Carnegie Medal 2022 in the United Kingdom.

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