To Post or Not To Post?


What’s wrong about using a false identity online? What should I do if someone tells a lie about a friend of mine on the Internet? How can I recognise fake news?

This book, starting from The Manifesto of Non-Hostile Communication, focuses on both online and offline communication, using concrete examples, quizzes, charts, cartoons and more to help young readers navigate their way through social media and understand how to use it in a positive way.

A guide full of illustrations, comics, diagrams, questions and real examples to challenge yourself and change the world, one word at a time!

Publisher: Il Castoro
Target: 12+
Year: 2019
Carlotta Cubeddu

Carlotta Cubeddu is an Italian writer and educator. Passionate about popularisation and novels, she manages to combine both her passions. As a reading facilitator and author of the book Penso, Parlo, Posto (To Post or Not to Post), Il Castoro, translated into Russian and Spanish, she also dedicates part of her time to training teachers and parents, sharing her experience with them.

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Federico Taddia

A writer, presenter, TV author and populariser, Federico Taddia collaborates with Topolino, Rai, Radio24 and La Stampa. One of his passions has always been to use the right words to tell the youngest everything that scientists study, look for and discover. He has written books with Margherita Hack, Telmo Pievano, Elisa Palazzi and Antonella Viola. With Teste Toste he won the Andersen Prize for the best science series for girls and boys and with Virus Game he won the Piccolo Galileo prize.

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