Books on Four Paws

Four adorable puppies, four stories to read, but also four sweet characters to play with!

Here are Poldo, Olivia, Ugo, and Mila! Poldo the dog loves playing outdoors. Olivia the cat never separates from her favorite toy. Ugo the piglet loves strawberries. And Mila the sheep is very sleepy…

  • A series of compact and sturdy board books for the little ones.
  • Four sweet puppies and their funny adventures.
Publisher: Il Castoro
Target: 0 - 5
Year: 2020
Raffaella Bolaffio

Raffaella Bolaffio was born in Trieste in late March 1977 during a snowstorm, in 1978 she learned how to hold a pencil in her hand, in 1979 she learned how to chew it, in 1980 she finally started using it to draw and since then hasn’t stopped except to eat or use the bathroom. To earn a living she chose a very nice job: she writes and draws and has published many books with various Italian and foreign publishers. She especially loves to write and draw animal stories, because she feels a certain affinity with creatures. In her spare time, she writes, draws, chews pencils, creates puppets, walks her dog, and plays the ukulele.

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