Vajont Sixty-Three – The Thunder from the Mountain


From the mountain thunder.

At 22:39 on 9 October 1963, millions of cubic metres of rock slid into the artificial lake created by the Vajont dam, causing a mega tsunami and completely destroying entire villages and burying nearly 2000 people under a sea of mud. Financial interests had gotten the better of common sense and no one had spoken out. Except for a single, lone voice that had tried to break the silence. A powerful, untarnished voice, as indomitable as the mountain itself.

  • The story of the environmental catastrophe that struck the area between Friuli and Veneto in Italy.
  • A tale of strife, courage and anger, at the foot of a mountain that watches and observes, but will not forgive.
Publisher: Einaudi Ragazzi (Italy)
Target: 12+
Year: 2018
Tommaso Percivale

Born in Ovada in 1977, Tommaso Percivale is an author of children's books. He lives and writes on an isolated hilltop surrounded by rocks, wind, woods and roe deer. Passionate about stories, sleight of hand, comics and games, he is a curious writer and, as such, tackles various genres, ranging from historical fiction to science fiction, from adventures to thrillers, even touching on the field of non-fiction. He writes to excite and stimulate deep reflections of an ethical, philosophical and social nature. Freedom, courage and rebellion are the themes he holds most dear.

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