River Europe


There were six of them, six children in a distorted world.

A world that crumbled before their eyes, when nationalisms tightened, borders became walls. The whole of Europe is over. For them, that boarding school in Switzerland was supposed to be a refuge, but it became a condemnation. When everyone, the teachers and the other children, ran away, they promised that someone would come back to get them. But no came back. Four long years. They learned to survive with what they had and what they could get. Now that one of them has been brutally murdered, the five survivors know it’s time to go. But where? A journey through a desolate world, in search of hope. The hope that Europe can rise from its ashes.

  • The story of a group of children of different nationalities who feel united by something stronger.

  • A dystopian adventure along the River Rhine, where five friends bravely survive among the ruins of a devastated Europe.

  • A rich and vivid children’s novel that tells a story of the sea and passion, adventure and friendship.

Publisher: Edizioni EL
Target: 12+
Year: 2019
Andrea Pau

Andrea Pau has been cluttering up Sardinia since 1981. He writes comics, children’s novels, cartoons, books under other people’s names. He has collaborated, among others, with Einaudi Ragazzi (Fiume Europa [River Europe] co-written with Andrea Atzori, 2019); DeAgostini (Dinoamici, 2013); Solferino (Nome di Battaglia Magda, 2019); Sergio Bonelli Editore (Bonelli Kids: il Re dei Troll [The King of Trolls], 2020); and Lapis Edizioni (Lorenzo Lodato e il conto alla rovescia [Percy Praised and the Countdown], 2021).

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